Space Clearing & Healing
Space Clearing is the art of healing and restoring the energies within an environment by dissipating stagnant, unbalanced or negative energies and resetting and raising the vibrational energies of the space to support a healthy and productive environment for your family, staff or community for successful living.
Space Clearing is useful to release trapped or stuck energies within a home, business or parcel of land which has suffered significant stress from any number of unpleasant or catastrophic events.
Traumatic life events (such as a contentious divorce, terminal or chronic illness, mentally or physically abusive relationships, etc.), sustained criminal activity, natural disasters, acts of war or other violent acts are just a few examples of events or circumstances that can leave an unhealthy energetic stain or residue on a place, unseen to the human eye. These trapped or blocked energies can impact the natural flow of energy within an environment and can render a space undesirable, unproductive or outright uninhabitable. These energies can negatively affect individuals living or working within a space, both physically and emotionally. At their worst, these negative energies can attract destructive people or entities which sustain and empower themselves on the physical and emotional distress of all those living or working there. We use a variety of principles, practices, tools and ceremonies to dissipate stuck or unhealthy energies before working to restore the natural healthy vibrational energy of the space to support healthy, positive activity within.
– A.P., Tubac, AZ
Purification & Blessing Ceremony
We use Shamanic and Buddist tools, practices and ceremonies in performing purification and blessing ceremonies. The use of prayers & blessings, the smudging of sacred herbs, resins and oils, ritual singing and chanting, ceremonial movement and dancing, the use of percussion instruments are techniques common within all faiths and cultures in preparing and purifying a space for important activities. Did you know that many of the herbs, resins and oils used in purification ceremonies have antifungal or antibacterial properties?
Purification and blessing ceremonies have roots in all indiginous cultures and have been practiced through all cultures and religions for many thousands of years. We can personalize your clearing to incorporate your cultural and religious traditions in the purification of your space. We encourage you and your family to take an active part in the ceremonial part of the clearing. We welcome the opportunity to show you and your family how to maintain your home’s energy environment after the clearing has been completed.
Cats and dogs have different sensitivities to essential oils and some common ones are toxic. Conventional wisdom is that pets should not be inside during the clearing but we can adapt if needed by avoiding the use of herbs, resins and oils known to be toxic to your four legged kids. Since essential oils are becoming so popular in use, we recommend that you consult with your pet’s veterinarian on which oils to avoid using in your home.
Sound Entrainment
One of the most effective and environmentally friendly methods of space clearing is Sound Entrainment. The principle is very simple: the use of high frequency sound waves raises the vibrational frequency within a space, forcing lower vibrating energies there to rise or dissipate.
Sound waves travel through air around 740-767 mph, depending on the ambient temperature and travel much faster through liquids and solid objects than it does through the air (about 4 times faster through water at 3,315 mph and 17 times faster through steel at 13,332 mph). This allows us to use sound waves to dispel and break up lower vibrational energies in spaces otherwise impossible to access, such as under stairs, crawlspaces, through plumbing, inside walls and furniture.
Traditional smudging or incense or resin burning generally can’t reach into these spaces. This is especially helpful in commercial applications where smudging is not practical due to sensitive smoke & fire detectors or offices with a zero fragrance policy. It is extremely effective in restoring and maintaining the energetic health of a space or location with no environmental side effects.
Space clearing and purification has been practiced for thousands of years, within all faiths and cultures. We specialize in restoring the natural balance of energies in all environments to support healthy and successful living within them. We welcome the opportunity to include your family in the space clearing process. It’s our goal to empower our clients to create sacred space wherever they work, rest or play.
Space Clearing Pricing
Residential Space clearing up to 1,200 sq ft.: $250
Residential Space Clearing up to 3,000 sq ft.: $400
Residential Space Clearing up to 5,500 Sq ft.: $ 600
For residences over $5,500 sq. ft., $150/hr.
Commercial Space Clearing Services: $175/hr.
Travel outside of San Diego County: $45 /hr. (one way)
– Tara Egipto, Spring Valley, CA